(click to zoom)
Steven Duncan
Matthew Fash
Alexis Fedorjaczenko
Michaela Mayer
Wilda Morris
Sam Herschel Wein
Megan Wildhood
Meg Yardley
Christie Cochrell
Sian Jones
Raima Larter
Jen McConnell
Briar Page
Mark Ari
Wes Jamison
Maria S. Picone
Christie O. Tate
About the cover artist: E.E. King is an award-winning painter, performer, writer, and naturalist—she’ll do anything that won’t pay the bills, especially if it involves animals. Ray Bradbury called her stories, “Marvelously inventive, wildly funny and deeply thought-provoking. I cannot recommend them highly enough.” She’s been published widely, including in Clarkesworld, Daily Science Fiction, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and Flametree. Her stories are on Tangent’s 2019 and 2020 Year’s Best Stories. She’s been nominated for seven Pushcart awards. She’s the author of four novels and many shorts collections. She’s shown at paintings LACMA, painted murals in LA and elsewhere and is currently painting a science museum in San Paula, CA. She also co-hosts The Long Lost Friends Show on Metastellar YouTube. Check out paintings, writing, musings, and books at www.elizabetheveking.com and amazon.com/author/eeking.