Earthquake Trashheap
armchair crankshaft
windshield stovepipe stepladder
floorboard doorknob dustpan
peanuts buttermilk popcorn
timepiece teaspoon
toothbrush washcloth wardrobe hairbrush
briefcase billfold penknife
shoelace shoehorn necktie
nightshirt nightstand pillbox
headboard bankbook
homework textbook
scrapbook baseball ballbat
guidepost gravestone

Wilda Morris, Workshop Chair, Poets and Patrons of Chicago and past President, Illinois State Poetry Society, has published widely in anthologies, webzines, and print journals. She has won awards for formal and free verse and haiku, including the 2019 Founders’ Award from the National Federation of State Poetry Societies. Her latest poetry book is Pequod Poems: Gamming with Moby-Dick (Kelsay, 2019). Her blog, Wilda Morris’s Poetry Challenge, features a monthly contest for poets.