Special Vanity Issue

Cover Art by Fiction Editor Samantha Edmonds

Editor’s Note

Doubleback Review is in its fifth year! Wow! When we started out, we were admittedly a little skeptical our niche market could actually sustain a journal. Unfortunately, our skepticism was unnecessary; journals come and go all the time. This was painfully clear when I updated my website earlier this year and found that many of the links to my published work…well, they didn’t work. That’s when I had a blisteringly egotistical thought: Hey! I should get a chance to republish the stuff I wrote that disappeared with defunct journals, too! And thus, the idea for a vanity issue was born.

Thank you for accommodating our vanity for this tiny little issue to rebirth our lost work. We hope you love these pieces enough to understand why we were sad when they disappeared.

Krista Cox
Managing Editor


Autumn McClintock
Poetry Editor


Katie Bell
Associate Fiction Editor

Samantha Edmonds
Fiction Editor