Krista Cox

Why I Won’t Yet Say I Love You

Trust is an abstract but its absence
has mass. I roll the rounded lack of it around my mouth

where words would be if I trusted 
the flutter of my gut more than you,

more than any given man. If I knew things 
grew beyond my power

of destruction. If it was not clear I am most 
endearing on an altar

and when I am only ears, an inviting mouth.
This is not about you. This is not about me, 
though I’ll say it is
for ease of explanation.

I am an echo chamber 
for so many voices.

When I open, I want to be
what escapes.

Krista Cox is a poet, teacher, and freelancer. Krista is Managing Editor of The Wardrobe and an Associate Poetry Editor at Stirring: A Literary Collection. She’s the Executive Director of Lit Literary Collective, and on the Board of Directors of the LGBTQ Center of South Bend, Indiana. Her poetry has appeared in Columbia JournalSalt Hill, Rappahannock Review, and elsewhere. Krista is Doubleback Review’s Managing Editor.