Love Song for Recovering Codependent
He thought he had loved her as a drowning man loves the boat-mistress reaching with her sure-fingered oar, but as they capsized, seasoned by the gnawing salt of the Atlantic, arms and oars impotent, he knew he loved her as a drowning man loves a drowning woman, weary, fish-breathed and failing, content to waltz helpless into the inky, starless night

Krista Cox is a poet, teacher, and freelancer. Krista is Managing Editor of The Wardrobe and an Associate Poetry Editor at Stirring: A Literary Collection. She’s the Executive Director of Lit Literary Collective, and on the Board of Directors of the LGBTQ Center of South Bend, Indiana. Her poetry has appeared in Columbia Journal, Salt Hill, Rappahannock Review, and elsewhere. Krista is Doubleback Review’s Managing Editor.