Mark Hendrickson


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Eco-Linguistics is presented as a chart. The x-axis depicts time, starting with the year 1820 and moving forward to the present. The y-axis measures temperature, low to high. The data shows how many new words were invented and added to the dictionary to describe the phenomenon of climate change over time. On the left, further back in time there are only one or two new words. As one moves forward in time, temperatures begin to rise, and the number of words increases. When we reach the present, the environmental crisis has required so many words be added to the lexicon each year that they bunch up, curving upward to form a spike, matching the spike in temperatures.

Mark Hendrickson (he/him/his) is a poet and writer in the Des Moines area. His work has appeared in Variant Lit, Five Minutes, Cosmic Daffodil, Swing, and others. Mark worked for many years as a mental health technician in a locked psychiatric unit. His background includes music, healthcare, and psychology. Connect with him @MarkHPoetry or on his website: