Maybe on Other Planets
That time at an intersection when I pressed my palm to the steering column
to bleat at a man taking up too much of the pavement I wanted. How as he
turned left, & I turned left, he made eye contact with me, & I made contact
with him, & I thought maybe, at that very moment, there might be others just
like us somewhere else choosing not to behave like this. People on other
planets who don’t think of the dirt beneath them as territory-able, argue-
about-able. People on other planets born without the deep-seated desire to
complain, to cajole, to get what they want—if they’re born at all, that is, if
they don’t just appear suddenly on a sidewalk & learn to live by watching
strangers live, & in this way everyone becomes more or less the same. Or else
they are born, & they do have things to complain about, but they haven’t
invented it yet, haven’t evolved the amalgam of stick-to-itiveness & desire
that breeds in the bellies of the beings of this world. Or maybe they do
complain, & are so much worse than us, which, of course, would be worse for
us, having other solar systems to point to. Maybe there are other galaxies
playing films of our galaxy’s mistakes on repeat & learning what not to do, or
what to do instead. Maybe somewhere else they are watching the good we do
& laughing; maybe they are watching everything else we do & mistaking;
except that maybe even on other planets the good in all of us is so much
warmer than what is broken; maybe on other planets babies are born in
reverse & become tucked in tighter the longer they’re swaddled; maybe it
took them millions of tries to not honk at the man taking up too much of the
pavement they wanted; maybe they know it can get better as long as you get
to keep trying; maybe that is why they’ve chosen to let us live.
Sarah Carson is the author of poems, short stories, and essays that have appeared in such places as Brevity, Guernica, the Missouri Review and Diagram, as well as the full-length poetry collection, How to Baptize a Child in Flint, Michigan (Persea Books). You can read more of her work at