The Childless Woman Tries on a Pair of Go-Go Boots
Once you moved your hips to eighties pop tunes, red-lipsticked, shimmering, thinking of your boyfriend in his dorm room, his apartment, the music pulsing between your thighs, and more, thinking about surprising him in the night, walking home in the dark; Depeche Mode, Annie Lennox, Erasure, the soundtrack of adolescence; once you wore mini-skirts and go-go boots, danced in clubs with names like The Blue Jay, The Raven, drank vodka with lemonade until the floor slid out from under you; once you kept condoms in the drawer of your bedside table, anticipation, precaution; once you were a girl.

Robin Silbergleid is the author of The Baby Book, the memoir Texas Girl, and several chapbooks, most recently In the Cubiculum Nocturnum. She teaches and directs the Creative Writing Program at Michigan State University.