Lorraine Caputo

Isla de Ometepe

In the half-light of the apricot-streaked sky
        Cocicolco rolls leaden-colored waves
                towards the black sand shore

Straight in his saddle
        a man rides a chestnut mare
                at the water’s edge
A colt follows in quick

Dark clouds enshroud
        the southern volcano
Leaves twist & sway
        in the strong morning breeze

The lake is blue-grey
        in the dusky colors
                of nightfall
Streaks of pale ochre & orchid
                from the disappeared sun
        ripple across its surface

On the far
                low-rolling horizon
        on the other shore
                a volcanic cone becomes
                        a silhouette
On the near horizon
                behind this village
        Volcán Concepción darkens
                its steep slopes lava-red
                        tree-green       ash-grey
A full moon rises above its summit
        a silvery-white ball
                hidden       revealed
                        by swift clouds

On the far
                low-rolling horizon
        village lights shimmer silently
On that shore
        a column of smoke rises
                lighter than the approaching night
The dusky orange
        of burning sugar cane
                licks the darkening land

A ship
                full of pre-dawn treaders
        cuts slowly       steadily
                through the still       dark       water
We journey
        into the fast-
                fleeing night

The sun begins to color
        the sky behind twin volcanoes
The just-past full moon
        still shimmers
                on Cocicolco

Clouds catch
        on the volcano cones
                & flow down the sides
Mist rises from the water
Clouds lie
        heavy on
                the horizon

As we approach
        the mainland
A bright yellow-orange ball rises
        above the banks of clouds
                south of the island

Poet, translator and travel writer Lorraine Caputo’s works appear in over 180 journals on six continents, and in 12 chapbooks of poetry including Caribbean Nights (Red Bird Chapbooks, 2014), Notes from the Patagonia (dancing girl press, 2017) and On Galápagos Shores (dancing girl press, 2019). She travels through Latin America doing poetry readings and listening to the voices of the pueblos and Earth. Follow her travels at facebook.com/ lorrainecaputo.wanderer and latinamericawanderer.wordpress.com.